3 Reasons Why Women Should Try Golf

Ladies, golf is a fun sport that often gets a bad wrap! While there is still room for improvement, we love to see that women and girls are making big strides in the sport. At the pro level we see prize money and the quality of venues (where the LPGA tournaments are held) rising. This positive momentum is trickling down to amateur golf both from a competitive and participation perspective - more women and girls are playing and enjoying the incredible benefits the game has to offer. According to recent data, there are 18.9M women in the USA that want to try golf! What’s holding you back? Here are our top reasons why you should gather your girlfriends and give golf a try! 


Even though it may surprise you, golf is great exercise. Is it the same type of sweat you get from 30 minutes on the peloton? Unlikely! However in a round of golf you do walk for four to five hours. The average golfer walks around 4 miles (hit that daily step goal) per round! Not only is golf a great low impact workout but you also get the benefits that come along with spending time outside. There’s nothing better than getting some fresh sunshine/vitamin D (just remember that SPF)!


Golf offers a wide range of physical and mental benefits. Playing golf can be a great social activity and the game is filled with friendly and interesting people. While there is nothing wrong with golfing with a friend, golf is a great way to meet new people. Golf is typically played in a foursome (4 golfers) however, many show up as a single (one golfer) and the course is happy to set you up with other golfers. Clinics or ladies leagues are other great ways to meet like minded women. 

Golf is also great networking. Whether you’re playing with a client, colleagues or your boss, time on the course (and potential drinks after) can be a great business development tool. If you’re looking to network, it might be time to get started in golf. Besides golfing, lots happens on the course. If you’re open to chatting, it can be a great place to meet new people either while you wait to tee off or in the clubhouse. Keep in mind golf is a worldwide sport with over 35,000 courses around the world. This is a great activity to do if you travel for work or if you’re on a vacation! 


Although golf can be competitive it is surprisingly a very relaxing hobby. There is something amazing about spending 4 hours outside without actively checking your cell phone! Golf requires a great deal of focus which means it’s easy to to allow the rest of your worries to slip away. It’s also a healthy challenge each time you play. It’s a unique experience focusing on your own personal goals and not having to worry about other players. Lastly, golf forces you to build patience. When you aren’t playing well and become frustrated, it provides a chance to be introspective and builds character. 

These 3 reasons are just the beginning of the benefits of golf.  It’s a great way to improve your health and build relationships! Whether you want to learn a new hobby or just get out on the course to socialize, we hope you focus on all the positives the sport has to offer. Did we convince you? Start learning now on Coterie.


Women’s Sports & Technology - The Metaverse


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