3 tips for women to improve your mental golf game

When it is your turn to hit in golf, all eyes are on you and this can be very uncomfortable, especially for beginner golfers. Your reaction to stress can greatly impact your shots on the course. Golf is one of the most psychologically challenging sports, but the good news is that we have tips on how you can develop strategies to improve your mental game and boost your confidence!

Understanding stress 

Although we utilize the body to create a physical outcome in golf, it all starts with your mental mindset. Understanding the two components of stress (arousal and anxiety) and acknowledging when they are present is key to controlling your reaction. The combination of fast breathing, sweaty hands and negative self-talk all lead to the body working against us. While this reaction to stress is natural, Coterie coach Dr.Greta Anderson explains that you have the power to decide how stress influences your game.

Develop a routine

A pre-shot routine is the sequence of movements (thoughts, checkpoints, details) that is done by a golfer before hitting a shot (example below). The idea is to create a short (typically 30 second) and replicable routine to maintain consistency before your shot. This will help you build your confidence and trust in your abilities. Experiment with your routine to identify what works best for you; how many practice swings do you need? How many times do you need to look at the target? Or how many deep breaths do you need? You will notice that a good pre-shot routine will have you focusing only on the individual shot at hand and not on negativity or fear. 

  1. Stop and think (pick a target, distance to target, wind, club selection)

  2. Prepare and rehearse (practice swing, visualization)

  3. Address the ball (Set up, aim and look at target, breath)

  4. Execute the shot


Golf psychology is the scientific study of the mental aspects of the game. If you have ever experienced a bad round of golf, you know it can be hard not to let hurdles distract you. Golf psychology is not just reserved for competitive players - having the mental stamina to stay composed under pressure is one of the best skills a golfer can have! Visualization is a great technique you can practice during your pre-shot routine. As you aim your ball, try to visualize every detail of your ideal shot to lay the foundations of success in your subconscious. 

Research shows that visualizing produces muscle patterns that are similar to those when the action is actually performed. 

It’s never too early or too late to start improving your mental golf game. There is no denying that golf can be stressful, but if you develop techniques to manage stress and stay positive you will enjoy the game more and improve!

Want to learn more about golf psychology? Visit https://www.activecoterie.com/ for more tutorials geared towards women on topics like pre-shot routines, navigating unsolicited advice and more!


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