Women's Guide to Rocking Pickleball: 6 Steps to Get Started with Fun!

Let’s talk pickleball! Have you recently discovered your love for the game and are looking for how to get started? Are you ready to conquer a new, exciting sport that's taking the world by storm? Well, if you are, let’s introduce you to pickleball— the lovechild game of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, and trust us, it's a blast. Whether you're a total newbie to sports or just looking to shake things up, we've got your back with this super fun guide to getting started with pickleball.

Step 1: Embrace the Pickleball Vibes

First things first, let's talk about the vibes of pickleball. Picture yourself on a sunny day, paddle in hand and a touch of friendly competition. It's a recipe for an amazing time! And guess what? You don't need to be a pro athlete to enjoy it. Pickleball welcomes all skill levels, and it's all about having a good time. So, get ready to let loose and have some serious fun on the court!

Step 2: Gear Up with Style

Alright, let's talk gear. But we're not just talking about any gear; we're talking about gear that makes you feel like you own the court. Grab a pickleball paddle that suits your style—lightweight, comfortable grip, and maybe a pop of color to match your personality. Oh, and don't forget the sneakers! Yes, there are specific shoes for the game, but they aren’t necessary to get started. You'll want comfy kicks that let you move like the wind and pivot with finesse - tennis shoes or other shoes that allow you to skip and change direction quickly without skidding or losing grip

Step 3: Find Your Court Squad

Remember the saying, "It's more fun when you're not alone"? Well, that's true for pickleball too! Round up your gal pals, your sisters, your neighbors, or anyone who's up for some laughter-filled action. Better yet, join a local pickleball club and make new friends who share your passion for this addictive sport. You'll be amazed at how quickly the camaraderie on the court turns into friendships off the court.

Step 4: Master the Pickle-moves

Alright, let's dive into the juicy stuff—how to actually play pickleball! Don't worry, it's easier than it looks. Start with the basics: the serve. There are a couple different  types of serves to choose from, but keep it simple when getting started. Stand behind the baseline, toss the ball up, and give it a gentle whack with your paddle. Boom! You're in the game. As the ball comes flying back, practice your forehand and backhand shots. And don't forget volleys—those quick, no-bounce hits that'll make you feel like a pickleball ninja!

Step 5: Practice Makes Perfect (but Imperfect is Fun Too!)

Ladies, listen up: no one becomes a pickleball champ overnight. It's all about practice, practice, and more practice. Head to your local court, hit the balls around, and maybe even laugh at a few mishits. The journey from "Oops!" to "Oh yeah!" is where the real magic happens. So, keep those spirits high and that pickleball spirit alive!

Bonus Tip: Sign up on Coterie

Now that you’re looking to take your sports experience to the next level, we have even more exciting news for you. Join Coterie, the female sports community you need to hone your skills. Here, you'll connect with fellow pickleball enthusiasts who share your passion for the game. Whether you're a pickleball novice or a golf pro, Coterie offers a unique space to meet like-minded individuals who truly understand the joy of sports.

But that's not all – Coterie brings the pros to you through short, insightful videos. Learn the finer points of pickleball from the experts themselves. It's an opportunity to refine your skills and deepen your connection to the sports you love. Sign up on Coterie today and embrace a world of sports, camaraderie, and expert guidance.

And remember, pickleball is all about setting goals that match your style. Whether it's hitting a certain number of volleys or just not falling over your own feet, make sure your goals are as sassy as you are. Celebrate your achievements, big or small, with a little dance or a high-five with your court squad!

You've got this! With these six steps, you're well on your way to becoming a pickleball sensation and getting comfortable on the court. Don’t forget, it's not about perfection—it's about the joy of learning, the thrill of the game, and the wonderful connections you'll make along the way. So, grab that paddle, unleash your inner pickleball diva, and let the games begin!


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