Women Learning Golf - 5 Easy Steps for How to Get Started

In a male dominated sport like golf, learning as a woman can be overwhelming and intimidating at any age. Rules, etiquette, dress code, clubs, lessons - the list goes on. If you’re not sure where to start, you’re not alone! Building the courage to start your golf journey is often the toughest hurdle to overcome. These 5 tips will simplify how you can get started in golf and will help you learn a sport you can enjoy for life!

1. Golf clubs 

“PSA: you do NOT need to buy golf clubs right away!” Instead of spending lots of money on new clubs, focus on learning the movements and mechanics of the golf swing first. You can practice your golf swing without a golf club - just like that person you’ve seen at the airport! 

If you are eager to hit the range for the first time, look at your options to borrow or rent clubs. If you have access to three clubs; a driver, an iron and a putter that is more than enough to get started. 

Eventually, if you decide to make the investment in clubs, consult with a Coterie PGA professional to get properly fit for clubs. It is a common misconception that the club fitting process is reserved for advanced players. However, this process allows you to try different clubs and ensures the golf clubs you buy are perfectly matched to your swing!

2. Start small & Learn the rules 

It is important to understand that you do not need to master a full swing right away. Instead, start small and work your way up. Learning how to properly hold the golf club (also known as grip) is crucial. You can then progress from a small swing (chip shot), to medium swing (pitch) to a full swing. Manage your expectations (it takes time) and look for inspiration (family or friends) to keep you going on your learning journey. 

First, accept that you will probably never learn every rule in golf! Even advanced, competitive golfers need help with the rules. Did you know that professional golfers consult with rules officials? You can learn the basic rules of golf on Coterie (like pace of play, bunker rules and when it is your turn to hit). Start with the basics and learn at your own pace. Once you feel comfortable and confident heading to a golf course, play a few holes with an experienced golfer who can show you the ropes. Use common sense - if you are playing a casual round of golf with friends and want to move your ball away from a tree, go for it! As you get more serious about the game, you will learn more about the written and unwritten rules of golf. 

 3. Commitment 

Consistency is key! There is no denying that learning golf is a commitment. Unfortunately, attending one clinic or lesson won’t cut it. Repetition is paramount for improving your muscle memory. The goal is to get to a point where your swing feels smooth, natural and off course you see the ball go straight down the middle of the fairway. Every time you make a small change to your swing, you must repeat the change multiple times to ensure improvement. The more you practice, the more natural the changes will feel and over time your confidence will increase.   

4. Resources 

You’ve been to the range a few times and you now want to improve your skills. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a platform where you could access coaching, meet new friends and share your progress with a supportive network? 

Coterie has entered the chat!” Coterie is an online platform for women that features unlimited access to golf tutorials from PGA pros, delivered in 3-minute or less lessons. Coterie will help you learn the fundamentals of golf, even if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands. Need to know what to wear or how to improve your putting? With Coterie, all content is available in one place, your learning pathway is clear and you’re a part of a supportive community of women that celebrates your wins! Getting out on the course for the first time can be scary but having a supportive group of women behind you makes a big difference. 

5. Enjoy the process 

You have chosen a sport you can play for life which means it is never too late to learn the game of golf. Keep in mind golf can be very frustrating - you will experience great shots and bad shots. As a beginner there is a lot of new information to remember. Take it one step at a time and enjoy the process. Ultimately, everyone plays golf for different reasons; whether you decide to play for the social aspect, health and wellness or for the challenge, congratulations for starting your personal golf journey!

Interested in learning more about Coterie? Visit https://www.activecoterie.com/ to join the community!


Top 3 Beginner Golf Tips for Women


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